

The Rosetta Stone uncovered the mystery of hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone,
written in 196 B.C., is made of black basalt. It is 3 feet 9 inches high, 2 feet 4
1/2 inches wide and about a foot deep (really heavy). The Rosetta Stone has
three different types of writing: Hieroglyphics,Demotic (every day Egyptian),
and Greek each telling the same story about King Ptolemy. In 1779 the Rosetta
Stone was rediscovered.In 1821 a Frenchman named Jean Francois
Champollion figured out how to read the hieroglyphics and which word was
represented by which hieroglyphic. Since Jean Francois Champollion
discovered how to read hieroglyphics we have been able to read things that are
in tombs, temples, and monuments about Ancient Egypt. You can see the
Rosetta stone at The British Museum London, England.


Hieroglyphics is the way Egyptians wrote a long time ago. Hieroglyphics is
picture-writing. In other words it is pictures standing for different letters.
Hieroglyphics means 'sacred Symbols.' There are only 24 symbols in the
hieroglyphic alphabet because there is no x and no c. You use different letters
to substitute for the ones that aren't in the alphabet. For c you use k and for x
you use k and s and for v you use f. For u you use w. Hieroglyphics can be read
up and down,right to left, and left to right. The way to tell how to read them is
to look which direction the figures are pointing and read that way.